5 LCS as Ridges in the FTLE FieldFor time-independent systems, separatices are given by the stable and unstable manifolds of hyperbolic fixed points, as in the pendulum and time-independent double-gyre examples presented thus far. For those examples the separatrices were exposed as ridges in the FTLE field. However, even for highly time-dependent systems, the FTLE fields admit analogous ridges that divide dynamically different regions, but for such systems these structures are themselves time-dependent. Notions such as stable or unstable manifolds are well defined for time-independent flows, but for general time-dependent flows, these notions become ambiguous. However, one can loosely think of studying a time-dependent flow in terms of LCS as the analog of studying a time-independent flow in terms of stable and unstable manifolds. Experience dictates that a wide range of systems admit well-defined ridges in the FTLE fields which govern the global flow structure, however we would like to precisely know: Do LCS represent invariant manifolds? Before we can answer this question, we must define LCS more
precisely. If we refer to LCS as ridges of the FTLE field, we must define a
ridge. Intuitively, a ridge is a curve such that
if somebody walking along a ridge, then stepping in the direction transverse to the
ridge meant that they would be stepping down, and additionally the topography
would drop off most steeply in that direction. Or restating, they would be at a
local maximum transverse to the curve, and the curvature would be steepest
downward transverse to the curve. The definition below makes these ideas
precise. First, let us denote the Hessian (second derivative) of
We write
Definition 5.1
A ridge
is a unit normal vector to the curve
, and
As an aside, a more geometric and covariant definition of a ridge can be given in terms of principal curvatures. For such a definition, including a comparison with the above definition, please refer to the attachment here. Since the FTLE field, We can now formally state: Definition 5.2
At each time
t, a Lagrangian Coherent Structure
is a ridge of the scalar field
Since we assumed that the dynamical system is smooth, the FTLE
given by (10)
is smooth. By
SR1, ridges in the FTLE field are given
by special gradient curves, hence LCS are smooth curves,
since the gradient of the FTLE field is smooth. However, Shadden,
et al (2005)
considers the less restrictive case where v is
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Page created 04-15-2005, Last updated 04-15-05, Copyright © 2005, All Rights Reserved.