A software package, known
for MANifold GENorator, was originally created at the California
Institute of Technology by Francois Lekien and Chad Coulliette
and provides a set of tools for analyzing dynamical systems.
A nice capability of this software is the ability to easily load velocity field
data sets and quickly initiate FTLE calculations. MANGEN is publicly available and is archived in the following zip or gnu zipped tarball files.
Below, we show how MANGEN can be used to produce
the FTLE fields shown in Movie 24
. To visualize the results, it is strongly recommended that Tecplot be
used, as MANGEN outputs data in an ASCII format which is structured to be read
by Tecplot.
As a precaution, MANGEN does contain
bugs and limitations that users need to be aware of if they
intend to seriously use this software, however for the
purposes of completing the example computations below, these
issues should not interfere. Windows Users:
For the Windows' version, there is a convenient GUI which can be used to
configure computations.
Step 1
Click here to download the zipped file
and unzip to a directory of your choice. Additionally, click
here to download the input files needed for the airfoil example and
unzip them as well.
Step 2
Run the program mangen.exe by double-clicking on it. You will get a display
like the one shown below:
Step 3
Go to the
menu and select
Open... and open the airfoil.in file that
was contained in the zip file you downloaded. Once MANGEN opens the file, it
will display some warning messages, just click on the
ok button.
Step 4
Go to the
menu and click
Configure... . You will get the following
menu which lists all the features that MANGEN supports:
Step 5
Click the
Data I/O Manager
button. You will get a the following display:
Change both of the
From local dir:
text edit fields from C:\temp to
whichever directory you unzipped the MANGENfiles.zip file into. Then click the
button. From this point on, we do not need to change anything else before we
run the computations. However, we will explain the
remaining parameters that have already been
set for the computation to run.
Step 6
Click the
Dynamical System
button in the Configure menu. The following display will appear:
Some items that are worth noting are
Velocity Input
section is where the dynamical system is specified. We have the ability
to specify an analytical equation for the vector field or we can input the
vector field from a data set, which is the case for the airfoil problem we are
studying. The velocity field for the airfoil is contained in the file
airfoil-velocity.dat. This data is ASCII formatted, so one can view the file
with a standard text viewer or editor. The structure of the data in that file
is set up to be read by Tecplot. Therefore if you have a copy of Tecplot, you
can simply open the file airfoil-velocity.dat in Tecplot and plot the velocity
field. Of course, if you do not have Tecplot but still want to plot the
velocity field with your program of choice, then you must convert the file
airfoil-velocity.dat to a format which can be interpreted by that program.
Basin Attributes
section specifies the domain
of the velocity data and specifies
the resolution of the data as well
(these are not needed if an analytical
vector field is being used). This section also contains a field to input boundary
information. For the airfoil, the closed boundary is given by the
surface of the airfoil, which is specified by the file topo-comp-GLASII.dat. If
we to make sure points are not advected through this boundary, then we check
No Boundary
check box.
Units Conversions
section allows multiplying factors to be added to the input data in case
the data which is being input is not in consistent units, or not in units that
are well-suited to keep numerical errors low.
When done viewing the
Dynamical System
configuration GUI, click the
Step 7
When selecting the
Time Interval
button from the Configure menu, you get the GUI given in
Fig. 34.
The file airfoil-velocity.dat contains velocity data from
t = 1 (sec) to
t = 10 (sec) at time steps of 0.1
(sec). Therefore, there are 91 "zones", or time slices, of data
contained in our input file. The value in the
field specifies that the time spacing between zones in our data file is
0.1 and the
field specifies that there are a total of 91 time slices of data. The
specify the duration over which we want to
perform our computations, whatever they may be.
The values of
are set to 1 and 91 respectively, which means that the computations will
span the entire length of data we have available. The last value which can be
specified is
ntinc, which is a boolean value that is
set to 1 if computations are to be carried out forward in time and set to -1 if
computations are to be carried out backward in time. For the airfoil example,
recall that we want to compute the FTLE fields
with a negative integration
T < 0, which is why
is set to -1. When done viewing this menu, press the
ok button.
Step 8
Interpolation Method and
Advection Method menus are fairly
self-explanatory. They allow the user to specify the method used to interpolate
the velocity data, and the method used to integrate the velocity data.
Step 9
The remaining buttons in MANGEN's
Configure... menu specify what
computations should be performed. Since we are only interested in computing
FTLE fields, the only menu that is of interest is the
Hyperbolic Structure: Direct
Lyapunov Exponents
menu (recall the phrase Direct Lyapunov Exponents is synonymous with
Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents). After pressing this menu button the GUI given
by Fig. 35 will
appear. The
Grid Setup
fields allow the user to specify a cartesian mesh over which the FTLE
field will be computed, cf. Fig
26. The values
specify the x- and y-resolution, respectively, of the mesh. Once FTLE
fields have been computed, they will be saved to the file specified in the
Output File
text edit box. For this example, we will compute FTLE as a function of
time, so we will leave the
First slide only checkbox unchecked. The
Maximum Time Steps
input field allow the user to specify the integration time length, i.e.
|T| (note
that it is the absolute value of
T because the sign of
T is determined by value of
given in the
Time Interval configuration menu). A value
of 40 indicates that
|T| should
be 40 time slices long, and since each time slice in the input file
airfoil-velocity.dat is spaced every 0.1 (sec), then a value of 40 time slices
is equivalent to an integration length of 4 (sec). If the
Maximum Time Steps
checkbox is left unchecked, then MANGEN will integrate the FTLE's using
the largest possible integration time length. When done viewing this menu,
press the
ok button.
Step 10
The last thing left to do is to start the computations. Close the
Configure menu if you haven't already done
so, and it would probably be wise to save the changes you've made to
airfoild.in by going to the
menu and selecting
Save. To start the computations, simply go
to the
menu and select
Start. This will bring up the simulation
monitor GUI. Click Start and the computations will (hopefully) begin.
The first thing that MANGEN will do is convert the airfoil-velocity.dat file
into a binary. If you re-run any computations using this velocity data, it is
best to use the binary file airfoil-velocity.dat.man as the input instead of
the ASCII file. Once you tell MANGEN that it is ok to convert the ASCII
file to a binary, MANGEN will begin to compute FTLE's. The simulation monitor
GUI will continually update its display to show you the progress of the
computations, and will look something like Fig. 36.
Step 11
Once the simulation is finished, the file DLElevelsets.dat should contain the
finite-time Lyapunov exponent data. Since the data is in ASCII format, one can
view the contents in any text editor. The layout of the data is setup to be
read by Tecplot so one can easily plot the FTLE fields by loading this file to
Tecplot and viewing as a contour map.
Linux (and perhaps Mac) Users:
Step 1
- Download
the MANGEN source tar file from http://www.mangen.info/mangen-latestversion.tgz
and uncompress the files. Additionally, click
here to download the input files needed for the airfoil example and
unzip them as well.
Step 2
- After
untarring the source files, in the \source\UNIX directory there is a README
file that contains instructions for compiling the source code and running
MANGEN. Follow the instructions to compile the code. If using the configure
script, one might need to change it to an executable by typing chmod ugo+x
Step 3
- Now we
need to edit the airfoil.in file which specifies all the parameters that need
to be set for our computations. For the Windows version of MANGEN, there is a
convenient GUI which allows the user to configure all parameters for the
computation (see above). However, this GUI is basically a glorified editor for
the MANGEN input file, which in this example is the airfoil.in file. When
running the Linux version of MANGEN, one does not have the convenience of the
GUI, but rather has to manually edit the .in file. All that needs to be changed
in airfoil.in to run the computations are the values for inprefix and outprefix,
which are the first two variables that are listed in the input file. Therefore,
open the file airfoil.in in your favorite text editor and change the values of inprefix
and outprefix from C:\temp to the
directory which contains the input files (airfoil.in, airfoil-velocity.dat, and topo-comp-GLASII.dat)
and save. The
airfoil.in file is well commented, so the file should be quite
self-explanatory. If you are interested in knowing what other variables are
required to run the computation, please refer to the Windows
Users explanation above, or browse the file, however everything else is
already set to run the computations so nothing else should be changed.
Step 4
- Start
the computations by typing mangen airfoil.in
on the command prompt
Step 5
Once the simulation is finished, the file DLElevelsets.dat should contain the
finite-time Lyapunov exponent data. Since the data is in ASCII format, one can
view the contents in any text editor. The layout of the data is setup to be
read by Tecplot so one can easily plot the FTLE fields by loading this file to
Tecplot and viewing as a contour map.